
Meet a special gravitational wave. Born from the collision of two neutron stars over a billion years ago, it traveled across the Universe to finally reach Earth. The birth of this gravitational wave came with a burst of light, an event known as a bright siren, and is helping scientists to uncover the Universe’s secrets.

Cover page of Cosmic Waves zine

Cosmic Waves zine. Image credit: C. Machado

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Text: Dr. Maria E. S. Pereira (maria.sp@mail.com)
Illustration, Layout and Text: Dr. Camila Machado (hi.camilamachado@gmail.com)
Editing (English version): Stephanie Fernandes
Translation (German version): Jasmin Neumann


We would like to thank everyone who have contributed with the zine, by reviewing or giving suggestions at the various stages of the project. In particular, we thank: J. Neumann, F. Kling, Z. Savitsky, D. T. Martins, S. Acharya, B. Biswas, S. Casura, P. Jakobus, J. Knoche, T. Kupfer, R. A. Miret, W. Schmidt, W. Shaqil.

This project was sponsored by the Claussen Simon Stiftung with support of the Hamburg University and the Hamburg Research Academy.
